Sample Case

kneeDr. Tim’s work is unique through the knowledge of how the body is connected and the scope of tools he has to address imbalances. For example, a male client may have right knee pain and thinks it is just a “pulled knee” but can not understand why it hurts since he had no injury. Dr. Tim’s analysis reveals three primary imbalances, in order of priority: an emotional block from childhood, a parasite infection in the gall bladder, and a sprained ligament in the knee. Here is a sample explanation for his concern:

For the past months, the man has been struggling at work with his female boss who has been neglecting his requests to help him with a problem in his work. He also has been thinking of leaving to start his own business but has been reluctant to take the risk. He does not realize that the interaction with his boss is just like the way his mother would ignore him as a child when he was needing her. As a child, he coped with his mother and buried the feelings of resentment. The buried resentment towards his mother is just like the resentment he feels towards his boss, and this stress leaves his immune system vulnerable to a parasite infection that would otherwise not affect him. The parasites are drawn to the organ that relates to resentment; the gall bladder. The presence of the infection and underlying emotional stress weakens the gall bladder and a muscle in the back of the knee that is energetically tied to the gall bladder. The knee now is vulnerable from the weak muscle and he sprains a ligament from daily movements like bending and walking. He comes to Dr. Tim hoping he can help since the medication from his doctor did not work, the physical therapy exercises only made his knee feel worse, and he never had lasting results from the adjustments he received from two chiropractors. After four practitioners and a significant amount of money spent, he is frustrated and open to most anything.

It is a good thing that he is open to most anything since what Dr. Tim is about to reveal was never mentioned by anyone else and is very different than anything he has ever heard from a doctor. Yet the client trusts the referral from his friend and gives it a chance. Here is the course of treatment and care that the man receives:

Dr. Tim explains that since his life has come to a point where change is necessary, meaning the change to leave the job and start on his own, his body reflects the battle within the subconscious mind, the issues involved, and his difficulty in making that change. He also explains the significance of the right knee as the source of his pain since it relates to moving forward in life and applying the effort in the right direction. Simply trying to cope with the issue, which happened as a child, is not working and also not a real solution at this point in his life. Since this change was not occurring due to the unconscious feelings of the past, his current job stress, and his choice to try to cope with it, his knee reflected the pain of being stuck. Upon further questioning into his symptoms over the past months, the man said that he was having problems with his digestion the weeks before his knee began hurting but thought nothing of it. Dr. Tim explained that the emotional block was the initial imbalance and set the stage for the infection in the gall bladder, which created the digestive symptoms. He told the man that even though the knee pain was what he felt most, it was the last symptom to arise and was the least significant of the imbalances. The man understands everything and feels like he is able to see the bigger picture behind his knee problem. Dr. Tim explains that aside from all the work that will address the imbalances mentioned, it is critical that he follow through with the change in his job. It was as though his heart had a stronger message that needed to be followed since these issues were not addressed through his own efforts or other forms of care. The man agrees to do his part to leave the job. Dr. Tim gives him herbs to kill the infection, uses a technique to release the childhood resentment, and performs a specific type of deep massage to heal the sprained ligament. He also gives the client a supplement to speed the healing of the gall bladder from the infection, and another supplement to speed the healing of the sprained ligament. Dr. Tim recommends that the ligaments will also be supported well if he decreases his sugar intake and increases protein in his diet. Dr. Tim adjusts his spine to boost the nervous system and support the removal of the imbalances. The man begins to feel relief immediately. He puts the energy towards leaving his job and realizes it was not as difficult as he had thought. He is encouraged by the results and continues to follow all the instructions and return for the recommended treatments. His knee problem is resolved within a month and the cost was around $700, a fraction of what he spent on the previous care.

shakeThis case is a good example of a client with a concern that involves multiple layers of imbalance that all interrelate. These relationships between symptoms, organs, emotions, and behaviors exist in everyone. Most doctors simply do not have the training to look for these factors and often do not even accept them as possibilities. This is not to say that healing only comes when these variables are addressed. Some health concerns are much more straight forward and respond very well to standard types of care. When we are truly ready to heal, sometimes anything will work no matter how simple or complex the case. This client was ready to heal but needed the right care for the issues involved. His concern resolved fairly quickly and was very affordable. For those who enjoy being actively involved in their health, prefer natural healing methods, and appreciate a holistic model, Dr. Tim is a very valuable resource.